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Abstract (English):
Cybercrime today is one of the fastest growing types of criminal activity that encroach on various social groups of community. Today, in addition to criminal acts aimed at economic profit, the level of criminal infringements aimed at the personal rights of children, has increased, as has the involvement of minors in the commission of serious and particularly serious crimes. Crimes against children committed in the information environment are different from traditional forms of criminal abuse, and are characterized by particular cruelty, a high level of proficiency of perpetrators, anonymity (identity of a perpetrator is hidden behind an information code) and transnationality. Conditionally the activities of cybercriminals can be categorized as offences aimed at the personal rights of children and criminal acts aimed at involving minors in offences through the information environment. Cybercriminal activities include, inter alia, trafficking in children in information and telecommunications networks; sexual exploitation of minors, including involvement in prostitution; inducement of children to commit suicide; and others. Such acts constitute serious or particularly serious crimes aimed at violating the personal rights of children, whose protection requires the development of national legislation and constant international cooperation. The author believes that specific international treaties on cooperation in the detection of cybercrime should be concluded, as well as general rules on the definition of various forms of cybercrime.

information and telecommunications networks, crimes against minors, involvement of children in criminal activities
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