Relationship of the object of law and object of legal relationship in civil law
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Abstract (English):
This article examines the relationship of the object of civil rights and the object of civil relations in civil law, as well as the problem of determining the content of these terms. Due to the existing discussions about the similarities and differences of the studied concepts and their delimitation from each other, the issue of their legal and substantive definition remains relevant. The aim of the work is to analyze the points of view of legal scholars on this topic and to present the different views of civil science researchers on the designated problem. Currently, specialized legislation, in particular the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, contains an indication of the object of civil rights, but does not contain a legal definition of the object of civil legal relations. On the basis of a comparative analysis, the article attempts to streamline the author’s and scientific positions on the delimitation of these concepts. The author offers a perspective on the relationship between the object of rights and the object of legal relations and offers a prognosis regarding the development of the institutions under consideration.

object, civil rights, obligations, legal relations, regulation, society, behavior, entity, creditor, debtor, subject, product, service, property right
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