criminal proceedings, minor, suspect, accused, legal status, preventive measures, measures of restraint not related to isolation from society
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the topic is determined by the importance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a minor who is a participant in criminal proceedings as a suspect or accused. It is generally recognized that the value of the legal system is determined, inter alia, by the legislator’s attention to these intangible benefits of minors, to the legal norms on the basis of which the protection of these persons in criminal proceedings is ensured. The purpose of the article is to identify the legal features and problems in the field of legal regulation of preventive measures chosen in Russia by underage suspects (accused), which do not contribute to isolation from society. Preventive measures that are not related to the isolation from societyof a juvenile prosecuted by justice become an object of the article. The problems identified in the designated area of legal regulation and the ways of their optimal solution corresponding to these problemsare considered as the subject of the article. The article reflects the issues of the concept, the legal nature (essence) of the measures of restraint chosen in relation to juvenile suspects (accused), not related to isolation and a system of such measures. It is noted that the Russian legislator, paying attention to the rights and legitimate interests of this category of persons, in standards regulating preventive measures, does not take into account the peculiarities of the legal status of a minor suspect and accused, the specifics of the application of preventive measures, as well as the aspects of the impact of isolation (not isolation) from society on psycho-physical condition of these persons.The novelty is defined by thesubstantiation that the humanistic principles of international law and Russian legislation should be reflected in preventive measures for minors with the priority of measures that prevent isolation from society, and, accordingly, from the family, where the formation of the moral aspects of the individual, traditions and universal values take place. As a result, the author proposes the author’s definition of the legal category “measures of restraint chosen by minors, not related to isolation from society”, reflects the legal peculiarities of preventive measures chosen against juvenile suspects or accused, substantiates the need to amend Art. 423 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

criminal proceedings, minor, suspect, accused. legal status, preventive measures, preventive measures not related to isolation from society.
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