from 01.01.2003 until now
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2008 until now
Russian Federation
UDK 3728 Методика преподавания отдельных учебных предметов
The article is dedicated to the analysis of actual aims of foreign languages teaching. Its practical orientation is highlighted as the principle vector of training process. Reading, writing, speaking and listening as the basic speech activity forms are named, their characteristic features are revealed. The authors’ practical experience, and the assessment of the results of the survey among the students made it possible to determine listening as a crucial challenge in authentic communication. These data achieved by practical ways are confirmed in the process of reviewing numerous scientific, methodical, psychological, pedagogical researches. Answering to the target request of students and colleagues searching optimal methodological techniques for audio competence development, the authors propose a six-level system of audio practice, which is built up on the principles of mindfulness, sequence, progressiveness. A step work in the frame of the mentioned system is described and substantiated – from the meaningful audio perception of sounds, combinations of sounds to detailed semantic understanding of phrases, sentences and discourse of foreign speech in general. In addition, the authors present a method of four-step work with authentic video material which promotes effective development of auditive competence. This technique can be applied in formal face-to-face learning as well as self-study training.
foreign language training, practical orientation, types of speech activity, communication, listening, auditive competence, audio training system, listening comprehension
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