Ryazan, Orel, Russian Federation
Ryazan', Orel, Russian Federation
UDK 15 Психология
GRNTI 15.01 Общие вопросы психологии
OKSO 37.05.02 Психология служебной деятельности
BBK 884 Психология отдельных видов деятельности. Отраслевая (прикладная) психология
TBK 8342 Инженерная психология. Психология труда и профессиональной деятельности
BISAC STU000000 General
The article indicates that since the second half of the XIX century in Russia there are special educational and correctional institutions for juvenile delinquents, vagabonds, begging children and juvenile delinquents. The law «On Correctional shelters and Colonies for Minors» (1866) did not disclose staffing issues about the number of staff, their educational training. The purpose of the functioning of the shelters was defined by law as the moral correction of minors. The formation of the profession of educator for educational and correctional institutions in Russia has historically been difficult: from understanding its necessity, rejecting training institutions, to recognizing it as an independent work activity. In the pre-revolutionary period in Russia, the requirements for this profession were formed: a candidate for the position of a teacher must have a pedagogical education (special training was also planned), have positive moral qualities, and have a penchant for this profession (love working with children). Many years of experience in the work of educational and correctional institutions facilitated to the differentiation of personnel by positions and the consolidation of functional duties. If initially educators performed the functions of supervision, training and education, then gradually the latter became the main one in their activities. In terms of discussions, the question was raised about the specifics of the work of a teacher in educational and correctional shelters for girls on the example of the work of teachers in the only specialized for girls Bolshevsky (Yakovlevsky) educational and correctional shelter.
educational and correctional shelter, personnel, requirements for personnel, training of personnel, functions of personnel, juvenile offenders
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