Departmental evaluation of the effectiveness of psychological work with officials of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the organizational principles of the construction of psychological work in the Department of Internal Affairs, as a desirable and promising practical field. As you know, psychological work is one of the demanded and dynamically developing types of moral and psychological support for the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. The successful implementation in the process of working with personnel of the functions of organizing and carrying out psychological work is inextricably linked with the development of criteria for evaluating the activities of psychologists. In this regard, the proposed article analyzes the criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of psychological work, identifies their main groups. It should be understood that the assessment of psychological work is closely related to accounting. Well-organized accounting largely ensures the objectivity of the assessment, and the presence of a reasonably chosen assessment criterion allows you to determine the necessary accounting indicators. Not being able to correctly assess the real results of psychological work units in the formation and development of professionally important personal qualities of employees, psychological stability and readiness to effectively perform operational and service tasks, being content with estimates reflecting only the external indicators of this activity, it is impossible to fully judge the effectiveness of functioning psychologists. The authors emphasize the importance of taking into account the objects of assessment, which implies the obligatory differentiation of criteria for assessing the development of professionally important personal qualities and the effectiveness of specific areas and types of activities of psychologists. Through the prism of the results of psychological work in 2020, the previously identified criteria and indicators are analyzed. The impact of the psychological tools used is discussed. The most important scientific research in the field of work psychology, conducted in 2020, is highlighted.

psychological work, directions and types, efficiency assessment, criteria, indicators, employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, professionally important qualities
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