Reasonable risk: stages of development in Russian criminal law and prospects of applications
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently in order to improve the application of the norms of the criminal law, for example, on reasonable risk this retrospective study has been conducted. The importance of improving the position of the norms on reasonable risk, obvious as connection with the development of science and technology situations associated with the risk appears more and accordingly, the task of the criminal law to regulate each of them. The author analyzes the provisions of the norm proposed by scientific practitioners before the appearance of modern standards about reasonable risk modern code in the form of projects. On the basis of social situations associated risk, currently emphasizes the relevance position projects rules about reasonable risk not fixed modern edition of the article. The article is indicated that the situation, previously proposed in develop scientific and practical team’s projects with them and consolidation in the current for today, but not used normal in force discussion of the nature of the provisions will allow objectively solve the issue of criminal legal consequences of action related risk through which caused damage public relations, real protected by law. In particular, the author points to the need to clarify of the mechanism, for the application of criminal law in relation to the rule of reasonable risk, which is a circumstance mitigating punishment and precluding the criminality of an act.

act, criminal responsibility, reasonable risk, mitigating the punishment circumstances, excluding crime acts
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