Juvenile and youth crime: current state and prospects
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Abstract (English):
The official decline in registered crime rates is associated with a high level of its latency, new forms and methods of its commission, «computerization of crime» and an artificial redistribution of public attention to extremist crime and corruption. Russian crime continues to be self-serving, violent, and organized. A factor of its latency is the problem of the young people’s career placing in the job and low pay for their work. The Internet is actively used by «criminal IT specialists» in drug trafficking, deliberately false reports of acts of terrorism; juveniles and young people are chosen as perpetrators of crimes and as victims of crimes. They are also characterized by participation in the organization of prostitution, illegal arms trafficking, and self-serving violent crimes. The family remains both the factor of juvenile and youth crime, and the main subject of its prevention. The adoption of the criminogenic draft law «On the prevention of domestic violence», the legalization of the drug market and the authorization of the use of methadone in Russia are unacceptable. Prevention of crimes committed by juveniles, young people and their families is a priority, it should be based on the developed state ideology. It is based on morality, patriotism, healthy lifestyle, and law-abiding behavior. A return to the priority of international law is essential. This will preserve the system of prevention and suppression of the most dangerous types of crimes using mechanisms of international control and interaction.

prevention, crime, juveniles, youth, computerization of crime, family criminology
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