Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers examples of business play-based methods that are recommended to teachers who train cadets and future juvenile Affairs officers in order to develop their professional competencies necessary for working with families of a social risk group. As an example of the formation of professional competencies, the professional competence PC-2 was chosen, as it reflects the educational (socio-pedagogical) type of activity in accordance with the Federal state educational standard of higher education. The authors give the concept of a business game, describe its particular methodology, highlighting methodological features, structure-forming constant and variable methodological elements. The authors developed and illustrated their ideas in the specific methodology of two business games «Network technology» and «Family chat». The results of the described pedagogical experiment confirm the effectiveness of the developed methods of business games in the aspect of forming the necessary professional competence in the work of a juvenile Affairs officer with a family of a social risk group. The scientific novelty of the article includes the described specific method of business games. The plots of business games based on real professional situations from the experience of the juvenile Department in the interaction with families at risk are of practical interest.

family of a social risk group; professional training; business game; cadets; professional competencies
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