from 01.01.2005 to 01.01.2020
Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 15 Психология
GRNTI 15.41 Социальная психология
The relevance of the study of individual psychological characteristics of employees of criminal investigation departments in transport in the North-Western Federal district of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the NWFD) in relation to indicators of professional deformation is due to the specific features of their official activities. Despite a significant amount of research on the phenomenon of professional deformity of police officers, there are few thoroughly developed and completed works on the prevention of professional deformities of police officers. The purpose of our research was to study the individual psychological characteristics of employees of criminal investigation departments in connection with the risk of professional deformation. The results of the empirical study were processed by correlation and factor analysis (49 parameters). The results of the initial analysis showed that the overall assessment of job satisfaction among employees of the studied departments is average with a downward trend. The results of the study on «professional burnout» revealed that a number of employees surveyed are close to emotional exhaustion. It is established that empathic abilities, social intelligence, and constructive coping strategies play an important role in the structure of individual psychological characteristics of police officers. Low ability of employees to learn behavior determines non-constructive strategies and models for coping with stressful situations, which leads to deformation of relationships with other people, i.e. to professional deformation. The obtained data can be used as the basis for the program of psychoprophylaxis of professional deformation of criminal investigation units in transport in the northwestern Federal district.
employees of Internal Affairs bodies, individual psychological characteristics, satisfaction with professional activity, emotional burnout, professional deformation, psychological research, factor analysis
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