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Abstract (English):
Today we are witnessing another surge of Anti-Russian sentiment, resuscitating the old myth of Russia’s eternal aggressiveness. Obviously, it was needed for the West anti-Russian forces in order to dictate our country their conditions and rules of the game. Ultimately doodle, these goals are also served to distorting the truth about World War II. This scientific article discusses a number of the most controversial issues in the history of World War II. From the point of historicism view and scientific objectivity, their interpretation of Western historiography and politicians of anti-Russian orientation is criticized. The efforts of modern Anti-Russian sentiments are equating the pre-war policy of the USSR with the aggressive policy of Nazi Germany had exposed. Myths about the allegedly “preventive” nature of the treacherous attack of the latter on the Soviet Union are refuted, as well as attempts to justify the collapse of the “blitzkrieg” not by the heroic resistance of the Red Army, but by difficult climatic conditions, huge distances and numerous water barriers on the way of German troops. The authors of the article draw attention to the fact that in many Western military-historical works, the main reasons for the defeat of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front by the filing of German “memoirs” generals are primarily called Hitler’s incompetence and stubbornness, betrayal of satellite countries, etc., but not the superiority of Soviet military strategy and operational art, the ability to fight, the courage and steadfastness of a Soviet soldier who fought both for the freedom of his Fatherland and for the liberation of all Europe from the Nazi yoke.

World War II, historiography, falsification of history, Anti-Russian sentiment, USSR, Nazi Germany
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