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Abstract (English):
Description. The article is devoted to the operational-search characteristics of ethnic organized crime. The author focuses on the formation of the definition of operational-search characteristics of crimes committed by ethnic criminal communities. The relevance of the study was due to the analysis of migration registration of foreigners in the Russian Federation. Currently, scientific study, analysis and proposals for improving the legal framework for operational-search and other measures used by the operational units of the internal affairs bodies in the fight against organized ethnic crime are required. It is necessary to develop more precise regulation on the observance of constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as guarantees when using operational-search forces, means and methods. The relevance of further research and development of the concept of internal affairs agencies to combat organized groups and criminal cosocieties that have formed on an ethnic basis, including, first of all, the development of operational-search characteristics, information and analytical support, as well as interaction with other bodies, is growing. The relevance of further research and development of the concept of internal affairs agencies to combat organized groups and criminal co-societies that have formed on an ethnic basis, including, first of all, the development of operational-search characteristics, information and analytical support, as well as interaction with other bodies, is growing. Based on the analysis of the state of ethnic criminal environment in Russia, the definitions of ethnic crime in the scientific environment, the author has given his concept of operational-search characteristics of crimes committed by ethnic criminal communities.

operational-search characteristics, ethnic criminal groups, migration, сrime, counteraction, structure
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