Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.07 Теория государства и права
the Article contains a brief historical and legal analysis of the first steps in the organization of the training system for the Soviet police (militia). The Ryazan province was chosen as the base region for the study during the end of the Civil war and the post-war years. The issues related to the formation of educational-methodical and material base of educational organizations specializing in the training of ordinary and commanding personnel for militia institutions were discussed. In connection with the course for the implementation of the new economic policy, the militia were entrusted with numerous functions that were not previously included in its powers. This revealed not only the lack of sufficient professional training for the majority of employees, but also the moral unwillingness to perform some functions whose competencies have not yet been developed. The article presents an assessment of a number of acute problems identified at the stage of establishment of Ryazan militia courses. It is important to take into account that they later became the basis of a number of law enforcement educational institutions, including those operating today. Thanks to the introduction into scientific circulation of a significant amount of previously unused archival material, the author’s approach in assessing the events that took place, the article may be of interest to a wide range of historians, lawyers, teachers and local historians.
people’s Commissariat of internal Affairs of the RSFSR, training for law enforcement agencies, Ryazan courses for training the command staff of the workers ‘and peasants’ militia
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