Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.16 Муниципальное право
The article is devoted to the constitutional aspect of state power in cooperation with the same phenomenon as local government. The legal assessment of local government is given, taking into account the peculiarities of modern Russia. The article analyzes the differences between local government and local government, focusing on the signs of self-government. A brief description of local government as a form of democracy and the basis of the constitutional system is given. The scientific experience of studying local government, as well as its complex political and legal nature and social. Signs of local self-government that exist in an inextricable relationship between themselves are considered. The implementation of public authority in the form of local government is disclosed and a number of common features are identified that bring it closer to state power. Monitoring of the main regulatory documents that determine the legal basis in this area. The difference between local government and state power is analyzed. The importance of the constitutional independence of local government in relation to state power is emphasized.
state power, public authority, local government
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