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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the individual legal awareness as profoundly subjective personal substructure, falling within the scope intrapsychic as well as interpsychic relations of human «I». Competency-based approach of modern system of higher professional departmental education considers individual legal awareness as a special socio-psychological category of subjects of educational space. Research interest in this phenomenon justified by the fact that future professional activities of employees of law enforcement officers are associated with high stressogenicity with interaction with the criminal strata of the population, with the ability to assess the legitimacy of events of an extreme nature. Substantive side of educational activity is revealed not only (and not so much) in determining requirements for personality of the graduate in the context of law knowledge but also in the formation of the subjective position of the legal cultural bearer, which is esseenticilly a synthesis of personality reflection of the student’s personality in the need, value and regulatory spheres. The article analyzes the relevance of the issue of individual legal consciousness in the psychological aspect – its embeddedness in the intrapsychic structure of the personality. The analysis allows us to carry out a psychological measurement using the original author’s technique «Individual Legal Awareness Structure» and the subsequent correction of this phenomenon. Based on the results of an empirical study, the authors constructed a psychodynamic intrapsychic classification of individual legal consciousness, which includes two types – feminine and masculine. The conclusion is made about the psychological significance of the intrapsychic and psychodynamic connection of legal awareness and self-relationship in a single personality substructure.

legal awareness, public legal awareness, individual legal awareness, self attitude, intrapsychic personality structure, psychodynamics, psychodynamic forces, self-respect, self-incrimination, feminine type, masculine type
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