doctoral candidate from 01.01.2012 until now
Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.85 Криминалистика
Currently, counteraction to the legalization of drug trafficking is characterized by low efficiency, which necessitates a scientific understanding of the problems of combating this type of crime. On the basis of general scientific research methods, the authors formulated a list of the main problems that arise in the indicated area in the operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. These problems include: the lack of a unified approach to qualifying criminal acts related to the transfer of funds received by drug traffickers; the lack of a well-established practice of recognizing drug money as all funds received in electronic wallets used by criminals to receive payment for drugs; the use of technical means of protecting information and cryptocurrenciesby criminals; lack of methods for detecting legalization of drug trafficking in modern conditions; lack of legal ability to block (freeze) non-cash funds owned by persons with respect to whom there are sufficient grounds to suspect their involvement in activities related to drug trafficking and legalization of drug trafficking; the absence of a statutory presumption of the illegality of the acquisition of property of drug traffickers and their relatives, which significantly complicates the application of the rules on confiscation of criminal proceeds. The article concludes with copyright proposals for solving the problems considered.
counteraction to legalization (laundering) of criminal proceeds, drug trafficking, detective activities, detectiveunits
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