Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyses the issue of the rights of minors. Issues of interaction between internal affairs bodies, commissioners for the rights of the child and other actors are under consideration. A number of normative acts and programmes on the rights of minors are being analysed. The normative basis for the protection of the rights of the child in modern Russia is analysed, in particular, the conventions ratified by Russia in this sphere and federal legislation. Selected law enforcement issues in the area of children ‘s rights are also addressed. Recommendations are made to improve the realization of the rights of minors in the activities of internal affairs bodies in cooperation with local self-government bodies. It is noted that in Russia the legal status of a minor is characterized by instability, insufficient social and legal protection, lack of reliable guaranteeing state mechanisms. The plight of minors in modern Russia today is further exacerbated by the fact that domestic legislation has not yet adequately guaranteed them reliable legal protection against adult abuse: in the family, in educational institutions, in society. There are also insufficient legal measures to combat child prostitution, drug addiction and alcoholism. It was to be hoped that addressing the problem in the article would more effectively address those problems. The author hopes that a number of proposals made will be useful in improving the mechanism for the protection of the rights of minors in Russia.

Children 's rights, human rights, protection of the rights of minors.

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