Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article touches upon the issue of professional self-consciousness of a police officer. Research on this problem has spread to other disciplinary and interdisciplinary complexes in addition to psychological ones. Various concepts of understanding of professional self-consciousness of the employee of the subject of professional activity in psychology explain mainly the linear development of the subject, hence to this day there is no complete picture of the formation and development of the subject in the process of his life. Studying the process of formation of professional consciousness of the police officer in this article, the emphasis was placed on the temporal approach, which considers the temporal essence of the phenomenon of self-consciousness, namely as a dynamic, continuously changing phenomenon. The purpose of this article is to build a conceptual outline or conceptual framework of a new, temporal approach to the problem of the development of professional identity of the subject of law enforcement.

temporal approach, self-consciousness, professional self-consciousness, psychohistory of personality, professional self-realization
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