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Abstract (English):
The article proposes the creation of personal electronic offices within the ISOD of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia for law enforcement officers who are able to solve gaps in the methodological support of official activities. The basic problem directions of methodical maintenance of professional activity of employees of expert divisions are considered. Part of the article deals with the organization of methodological support of new relevant types of forensic examinations, such as: construction and technical, video, automotive, computer, radio, describes the basic functionality of a single system of information and analytical support of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (ISOD MIA). The author noted that one of the main criteria, the presence of which must necessarily be contained in the virtual offices of ATS experts is relevant information. So it is offered to reflect in private offices the following information: data on the tolerances available for the employee on independent production of judicial examinations; data on improvement of qualifications, with possibility of their increase in the mode on-line; actual information on the latest and already existing techniques on examinations on the right of production of which the expert has the confirmed admissions; information on instrument base on each type of examinations on which there is an active admission (with indication of the nearest availability); electronic library of literature, including secret, corresponding to the level of admission to it from the expert, with the possibility of acquaintance; electronic collections of forensic objects (if possible 3D models), with examples of their descriptions, the main features and in some cases the functional purpose, the exact size.

methodical support, law enforcement, expert staff, personal cabinet, United System of Informational Analitic Suppotment of Activity
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