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Abstract (English):
Sexual encroachments on sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the persons who have not reached their majority age are one of the most topical and acute problems of the Russian society as for as the deformation of physical and mental development of the minors and juveniles threatens to the nation’s health. For the last few years it is observed a considerable growth of crimes concerning the minors made on sexual ground. The considerable share of crimes against the sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the minors is characterized by the criminological relapse emphasizing the imperfection of the criminal legal legislation, and also an inefficiency of the preventive measures from law enforcement bodies. The questions of crimes prevention in any democratic state are one of priority nation-wide directions, that represents multi-level and aspect activity of the various state structures and civil institutions, directed on hindrance of committing crimes. In the article the authors offer some measures on enhancement of specially-criminological prevention of the sexual crimes made against the minors. The special attention is given to revealing of the facts of sexual violence over the minors by means of psycho diagnostics, to the officers’ training to methods of work with the minors taking into account the social-demographic features of children paying attention to age groups and difference of posttraumatic experiences from age features. The authors also pay a special attention that the results in decreasing the level of sexual criminality can be reached only after the considerable period of time at the regular and complex approach in the decision of problems not only the sexual violence, but also the violence as that.

minor, sexual violence, prevention, crime, subjects of the prevention, sexual exploitation
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