UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.07 Теория государства и права
the article deals with the development of the modern theory of law-making process. The main changes that took place in the sphere of law-making in the post-Soviet period are analyzed. The importance of the use of such a modern law-making tool as regulatory impact assessment is considered. The analysis of the process of lawmaking from the perspective of anthropology of law is offered. The rule of law and its normativity in the anthropological approach do not precisely express the essence of law, but are only its substantive basis. The essence of law is necessarily expressed with the participation of a person in law, a subject involved in legal interaction. In addition to the rule of law and human rights in law, the third element of legal reality is significant – the fact of legal life, which reveals both the normative properties of the legal system, and reveals the legal properties of a person in law. Thus, in the anthropological approach, the rule of law and the normativity of law in comparison with the classical theory of law-making acquire a new meaning, characterized by the fact that in a General sense it can be called anthropologization of law, the acquisition of its human dimension. On this basis, the theory and practice of lawmaking should focus on the development of the doctrine of the interpretation of law, as well as on the practice of its implementation.
law, law-making, rule of law, normativity of law, anthropology of law, man in the law
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