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Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the death penalty. The death penalty is currently used in most states of America, a list of which is listed in the text of the article and is shown in the figure. The author of the article analyzes the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the execution of death sentences in the United States of America, namely: information on the sentenced is given depending on the convicted person, the number of executed sentences in 2018, analyzed and described the dynamics of changes in the execution of sentences during twenty years, from 1999 to the present, the category of crimes for which the death penalty is imposed, where the leading place crimes against life - murder, considered cases of judicial errors in sentencing to death. Examples from the judicial practice of the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Montana and Louisiana are given, the opinions of experts in the field of psychology on the use of the death penalty as a form of punishment for crimes are described and analyzed, existing methods of execution of death sentences are reviewed and characterized. The possible alternatives to the humanization of the existing methods for the execution of the death penalty are described

death penalty, murder, lethal injection, electric chair, death sentence, USA, court
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