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Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to the changes made to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by the Federal law of the Russian Federation of April 1, 2019 № 46-FZ on toughening of punishment for establishing a criminal organization or participation in it. Innovations concerned all parts of article 210, in particular criminal liability amplified (generally a penalty) and part 11 of article 210 appeared. Besides, the law entered new article 210.1 of the «Occupation of the highest situation in criminal hierarchy». Having analyzed statistics, only one fact of involvement of such person to criminal liability for establishing a criminal organization is elicited. Him was «thief in law» who carried out organizational and administrative functions concerning criminal community and its participants. One example of judicial practice by part 4 of article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation «the person taking the highest position in criminal hierarchy», proves existence of difficulties at procedural proof. However these problems will not arise in the situation provided by article 210.1 as to prove that such person makes act it is not necessary. There is enough of fact that this person holds the highest position in criminal hierarchy. Meanwhile, noted edition of the law contradicts the theory of criminal law, regarding criminal prosecution only for criminal action.

criminal community, punishment toughening, the person holding the highest position in criminal hierarchy, leader of organized criminal community, promotion of criminal behavior
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