Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the analysis of certain types of administrative documents of the internal Affairs bodies in the soviet period. The author of the article points out that administrative documents containing the rules of law, but not being normative are also legal acts of management. These acts are the subject of research of scientists in the field of administrative law, their scientific provisions are necessary to understand the essence of departmental rulemaking. That is why the consideration of documents of this kind should be considered using an interdisciplinary approach. The author, considering separate types of the called documents: instructions, circulars, directives and legal instructions, pays attention to the period of application of the specified documents in practice of work of bodies, features of their contents and registration. The presented historical and legal analysis allows to maintain continuity in the implementation of legal regulation in the bodies of internal Affairs, the uniform implementation of departmental rulemaking.

office work, administrative documents, the history of the soviet police, the internal Affairs bodies, types of document
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