Webinar "Preparation of cited publications in psychology and pedagogy"
The section of scientific journals on psychology and pedagogy of the ANRI on 04/18/2023 at 11:00-13:00 (Moscow time) holds a webinar "Preparation of cited publications on psychology and pedagogy". At the webinar, we will consider topical issues of preparing high-quality articles on psychology and pedagogy. The webinar will be useful for both editors of scientific journals and authors.
Registration via link: https://events.webinar.ru/60588279/1778824202
Webinar program:
1. Publication policy of journals in the context of the new requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for applicants for academic degrees and passports of specialties in pedagogy and psychology
2. Mandatory structural and content elements of a good scientific publication
3. Topical issues of statistics in the preparation of scientific publications
Registration via link: https://events.webinar.ru/60588279/1778824202