Javorčíková Jana

Academic rank
PhD ,
assistant professor ,
  1. Matej Bel University , Faculty of Arts ,
  • Journal "Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior" ,
Scientific interests
Doc. PaedDr. Jana Javorčíková, PhD. (author, translator) teaches at Matej Bel University, Department of English and American Studies. She specializes in the cultural studies of English-speaking countries (USA, Canada, and Great Britain) and English-written literature, American literature and Canadian literature. She is also focused on the culture of English-speaking countries and on intercultural aspects of education and comparative cultural studies. In 2005-2006, she was a Fulbright teacher at Minneapolis Community and Technical College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.



ACB Vysokoškolské učebnice vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách

Explorations in American life and culture / Jana Javorčíková 65%, Michael Eliot Dove 35%; rec. Eva Homolová, Petra Jesenská, Richard Amidon Betts. - Bratislava : Z-F Lingua, 2019. - 232 s.


ABD Kapitoly vo vedeckých monografiách vydané v domácich vydavateľstvách

Slovak Diaspora & Media. / Mária Rošteková, 30%– Mária Badinská 30% Jana Javorčíková 30%. 2019. Banská Bystrica: Belianum, s. 58–84. ISBN 978–80–557–1578–0


ACB:  Javorčíková, J. 2019. Voices from Beyond. Modern Coursebook of Cultural Studies. Bratislava – CD Rom. ISBN 978-80-8177-061-6  


Vývinové tendencie literárnej tvorby slovenských autorov a autoriek v Kanade. In Literárne podoby migrácie. (ed.). Kubeleaková, M. - Bariaková, Z. Banská Bystrica : Belianum, 356 s.


ADN: Javorčíková J.- Zelenková A. 2019. Conceptual differences in teaching “realia” to philological and non-philological students. In. https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/jolace/7/3/article-p18.xml. In Journal of language and cultural education. - Warsaw : De Gruyter Poland, 2019. - ISSN 1339-4584. - Vol. 7, no. 3 (2019), pp. 18-34. [JAVORČÍKOVÁ, Jana (50%) - ZELENKOVÁ, Anna (50%)]



Migration - emigration - immigration: the role of cultural studies in the era of globalisation / Jana Javorčíková, Rodica Albu.
In Skúsenosť inakosti = Experience of otherness : osobná a politická identita v kultúre, literatúre, preklade a humanitných vedách :  eds. Jana Javorčíková, Eva Höhn ; rec. Rodica Albu, Jana Javorčíková ... [et al.] [elektronický zdroj]. - Bratislava : Z-F LINGUA, 2018. - ISBN 978-80-8177-050-0. - CD-ROM, s. 8-11. 2018



ACB (Vysokoškolská učebnica) Javorčíková, Jana. 2017. A Compendium of English Literature – An Annotated Companion to English Literature and Literary Theory. Bratislava : L-Z Lingua, 206 s. ISBN 978-80-8177-031-9. [JAVORČÍKOVÁ, Jana (100%)][12,34 AH] Citácie 0



AEC (vedecký článok v zahraničnom zborníku) Javorčíková, Jana. 2016. Psycholinguistic Aspects of Literary Analysis: A Survey of Theory and Research Issues. In Studies in Foreign Lanugage Education. Volume 8. Numbrecht : Kirsch-Verlag, pp. 92-109. ISBN 978-3-943906-28-8. [JAVORČÍKOVÁ, Jana (100%)] Citácie 0

Banska Bystrica, Slovakia


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