Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Increasing the number of qualified specialists in the labor market is one of the state's priorities. The expansion of economic spheres and the emergence of new areas of work activity leads to an increase in the level of need for workers capable of fulfilling professional duties with maximum efficiency in conditions of intensive and innovative development of the labor market. The field of jurisprudence is no exception. It reacts sensitively to changes occurring in society and the economy. Today, an urgent need for this area is to provide it with specialists who are able to confidently implement their competencies in order to solve the problems facing the domestic legal system. There is no doubt that the qualifications of specialists directly depend on the quality of the education they receive, since it is within the educational process that professional competencies are formed. For students who expect to realize themselves in the future in the field of jurisprudence, it is important to develop a number of skills that will allow them to effectively apply the legal knowledge acquired during their studies in the future. The article outlines the main results of the study conducted by the authors of the key elements of the methodology of teaching legal disciplines in higher education, which directly affect the quality of education.

Legal education, legal disciplines, higher school, development of competencies, improvement of teaching methods, legal education, practice-oriented training.

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