Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction. A look at the current state of legal ideology in the field of state building made it possible to identify current ways to improve this institution in the field of science and education. Methods. The system, schemes and concepts of classical German philosophy (dialectical materialism), the theory of natural selection, English political economy, interdisciplinary and interscientific connections of the natural and human sciences were used as a methodological basis. Results. In the article, the author, considering the internal state of Russian society through the prism of historical facts and modern reality, comes to the conclusion about the need to rethink the place and role of the state and citizen in the cultural and historical space of Russian life. The author insists on the point of view that the rejection of the official national unifying idea and ideology (positive socio-programming), enshrined in the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the root obstacle in the consolidation of Russian society in the face of a global threat to Russian civilization. The author convincingly argues for the need to take measures to overcome the problem of disunity in Russian society within the framework of the existing Constitution of the Russian Federation and legislation, for which it is proposed to adopt a Program for bringing law enforcement practice and existing regulations in accordance with the values enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution and the National Security Strategy .

people, population, constitution, ideology, legal consciousness

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